Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Bliss of Ignorance

How many of us ever actually grew up? Did anyone really want to?

Childhood is the best of what we are. Ask a child a question, 9 times out of 10 you will get an honest reply, whether an honest answer was particularly desired by you or not. In early years, the imagination is at its peak. Kids aren't held down by the restrictions of the cold reality that becomes more and more rigid as we grow older and lose our sense of wonder. Through the eyes of a child, a day can feel like a whole year. Time is still far behind them. Only when they advance in years, does time gain on them and eventually start to pass them in the race, leaving them breathless…and I guess today, I ran out of breath.

Life is the one obstacle that pushes each and every human being to a breaking point. Though controversy may arise about what happens after we die, we all have first hand experience as to what happens to us while living. We meet people we love and we meet people we hate. We experience almost every single emotion and are exposed to mind blowing things. Through the years we change. We change our perspectives, our physical appearance, and most importantly, who we are as human beings.

I wish I was that kid again that climbed on top of the refrigerator and not gave it a second thought about jumping off to see if I could fly. This was probably due to a lack of knowledge, or what some would call ignorance. As a child, I was unaware of the repercussions of anything…you know, like getting hurt. With increasing age, experience and education, I gained a little more knowledge and lost some of the "ignorance." Unfortunately, ignorance is perceived in a negative way. Perhaps the term "ignorance" is used improperly in today's society.

The definition of ignorant is basically being blind to one's surroundings. It seems people are using ignorance as a synonym for stupidity when all ignorance is, is the lack of informational knowledge. Perhaps people are afraid of the very label they give to others to excuse them for their lack of fear. If so, then those lacking knowledge and, subsequently lacking fear, are feared by those who are truly knowledgeable. So in a way, knowledge causes fear.

Anyone can be labeled as ignorant. However, in the constant search for wisdom, people may forget that "ignorance" can teach them a thing or two. After all, it doesn't matter if society views the "ignorant" as misinformed. Maybe it's those people who have been misinformed. Ignorance is a link to fearlessness.

Though my breath has been taken away, today, for some reason, I'm feeling alive…and that's bliss. Perhaps it's the thunderstorm...

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